Fulton, New York
The Pastor's Page

Rev. Ruth Rosa Warner
From the Pastor
The month of March came in really fast!
All the snow and cold is gone!!! Now, it’s time to clean up and get ready for Spring!
We had a beautiful Ash Wednesday service and a chance to reflect and
repent going through the Stations of the Cross in our Sanctuary. Know that
you are also welcome to meditate on God’s sacrificial love and forgiveness,
as the stations will be up until Good Friday! Share your prayer requests on
our Prayer Chain station and ponder on God’s Word at your own pace!
Don’t miss it!
Our Facebook Devotions have taken a Lenten Reading Plan turn, pushing our Daniel Prayer book for next round. We will be connected Monday through Saturday every week until Easter eve, reading the scriptures at 8 am and discussing it at 8 pm. You are welcome to follow on my personal page or to watch at our church’s webpage afterwards: First United Methodist Church of Fulton.
Tuesday Membership classes have been completed and our next session
will be scheduled in June 2025. Please, let me know if you are interested in
taking the 5 Sessions Class.
We also gather for Bible Study on Thursdays at 5 pm. We have been studying the book “What the Bible Teaches”, enjoying the discussion and delighting in the fellowship. You are welcome to join in too!
Never forget that your Fulton First UMC family loves you and prays for you.
Please, notify the office, or feel free to call or text me if you know of any person who is sick, hospitalized or in need of a visit. I will be sure to set up a time for us to visit and pray together, happily. Hope to see you soon!
May the Lord continue to bless and keep you and all those around you.
Rev. Ruth R. Warner, your Pastor
